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A growing profile of 379 food businesses in Shrewsbury and Shropshire including 3818 independent food reviews.

Thank you for all the great reviews you have posted to date. We only invite and publish, positive reviews as we feel this gives a more accurate picture of where is good to eat. If you have a favourite place to eat or buy food here in Shrewsbury, please take a couple of minutes to share your opinion.

types of food

Types of Food

While we do not have the diversity of a city like Birmingham, we do still have a great choice of food right here in Shropshire, and the types of food available to us get more interesting by the year. We now have more than twenty categories of food; from the traditional British restaurant, to Spanish tapas.
Food by Type

shrewsbury food map

Shrewsbury Food Map

A great way to find places to eat is to view our interactive map filled with delicious treats to make you feel hungry. We start you off looking at the centre of Shrewsbury, but zoom out from street level to view the whole county and pick up some great farm shops, pubs and restaurants along the way.
Shrewsbury Food Map

shrewsbury food reviews

Tell us where to eat

Know of anywhere else we should eat? We try to keep up to date with places to eat but sometimes places don't shout about themselves and we miss them. Give us a heads up on facebook or twitter or use this quick form to suggest a new business.

shropshire breweries

Shropshire Breweries

Brewing experienced something of a revival in popularity during the last five years as the number of craft or microbreweries grew substantially. In Shropshire we currently have seventeen breweries mixing grain, hops, yeast and water to produce award winning ales.
Shropshire Breweries

veg box schemes

Organic Box Schemes

A lot of people seem to have the misconception that vegetable box schemes are expensive. If you are used to paying supermarket prices, you will be pleasantly surprised. Here is a round up of the best fruit, vegetable, meat and fish box schemes the county has to offer.
Veg Box Schemes

shrewsbury market hall

Shrewsbury Market Hall

The Market Hall at Shrewsbury is a fantastic place to buy your fresh fruit, vegetables and meat from local producers. The market stall holders are a friendly and knowledgeable bunch and between them offer some of the best locally produced Shropshire food. Opens most days of the week.
Shrewsbury Market Hall

theatre severn

Theatre Severn

If you are some way from home, or local and just looking to make a night of it, there are some great places to eat before or after a night at the theatre. On the following page we highlight our top picks, with something for every appetite and pocket.
Theatre food

food from shropshire festival

Shropshire Food Festivals

Shropshire has a large rural economy so it stands to reason there will be plenty of interest in food festivals. We certainly have our fair share of great events. From the well established Ludlow food festival to the newstart Shrewsbury food festival, late summer equals fantastic local food.
Shropshire Food Festivals

fish and chips

Fish and Chips in Shrewsbury

Whether you want the traditional cod and chips, a slightly more adventurous grilled plaice, or any other combination of battered sausages, pies, fish cakes, and onion rings, your local chippy won't be far away. Find out more about Shrewsbury's fish and chip restaurants on the following page.
Local fish and chips

© eatShrewsbury is a food map of Shrewsbury and surrounding area.

We reserve the right not to publish the locations of every food business in Shrewsbury and surrounding area, though we will make every effort to do so.

This is a food map of Shrewsbury. Therefore the highest concentration of businesses displayed is in the town centre. We are displaying some businesses such as farm shops, butchers and breweries which are further away from the town centre because we feel that people will be more inclined to travel further out to these places. We are not currently showing places such as take-aways and restaurants in nearby towns like Church Stretton or Wem or Much Wenlock.

The classification of businesses is subjective. Often the difference between a cafe and a restaurant, between a restaurant and a pub, between a bakery and a sandwich shop is blurred. We will use our best judgement when deciding which category to place a food business.

The logos used on the map to illustrate the different business types may not always be accurate. For example, we have used a pot of jam to symbolise "delis and specialist food shops". This logo is fairly accurate for Appleyards who do sell a variety of jams, though for Setonaikai it is less idea as they specialise in Asian food. Never the less, the logos have been chosen for convenience.

We reserve the right to remove any businesses from the map at any time.

Comments and opinions on this site represent the considered viewpoint of, based on our research into, and understanding of, the food industry. It should be stressed that as inputs to our reviews, we may rely on a variety of external primary and secondary sources of information, which, despite our efforts to validate, may occasionally be inaccurate. Our own opinions are provided in good faith.

All reviews are from members of the public and may not match your own experiences. We are providing this information as a guide of reference. Opinions expressed in these reviews are not the opinions of eatShrewsbury. Similarly we do not accept responsibility for the content on 3rd party sites which we may provide links to.